Support translational research

Dr. Tamrazi and his team are very grateful to the members of our community for their generous support of the Sequoia Hospital Foundation that led to the establishment and growth of our biopsy center. 

We now seek your help once again for the proposed plan to expand the center’s activities.

Kindly note that Dr. Tamrazi does not receive any financial compensation from donations. All donations will be administered and managed by the Sequoia Hospital Foundation. Donations will be used only for the following purposes:

(1) Confirm findings from our novel pilot study on liquid biopsy

(2) Evaluate our performance for biopsy of small liver, neck, and bone lesions (study already IRB-approved, but needs funding).

You can donate to the Sequoia Hospital Foundation by clicking here

Our sincere gratitude for your kind consideration!

Dr. Tamrazi is honored to be a part of his patients' oncology care and grateful for their trust in him.